The Ghosts of Time
The Ghosts of Halloween's Present and Future jump to the far side of the screen and toss fireballs in rapid succession; the Past will give it a go but quickly wilt due to age

The masked killer hurries to retrieve his axe before using it to strike; when damaged
enough, he'll grab a rifle and fire two shots from the roof, jumping down and back up

Spirit of Roast Chicken
The Roast Chicken ("that you ate") flies overhead and drops down two of its offspring;
when it retreats, its unhatched baby stays behind, bouncing about for a final assault

Scythe Creature
A giant, more resilient form of the normal reaper, the Scythe Creature flies overhead
and tosses down large scythes

Hard Metal
This giant robot marches to and fro, seemingly impervious as it stops to extend its lanky arms for quick strikes. Drac must find a way to strike its head while avoiding eye-lasers

Fake Garamoth
This robotic faker either lunges unto you or fires a giant laser from its sword; when its cover is blown, the alien controlling it lumbers about and fires three arcing projectiles

The Hellhound charges forward then takes to the air, continuously leaping before it drops down a smaller firebeast; it'll then disappear and reappear, repeating this cycle

Hammer Bot
A robot separated from our hero by a blocky wall. The battle is a test to see who can push more blocks into the other; action later shifts over to unsturdy rungs of ladders

King Garamoth
He fires down parallel beams then a single beam before spitting a fireball, whence his mouth is vulnerable; his wings clipped, he'll jump all around, opening his jaws sparsely

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