Giant Bat
A mutated bat creature. It executes flaming swoops; twists itself into a tornado for a drill attack; breaks into an absorptive bat swarm; and launches a multi-step bat charge

A headless warrior who uses his lance to execute assorted thrusts, stabs and dashes. His detached head, on command, spews plasma in heat-seeking and spreadshot varieties

This dragon relative uses its fire breath to spew exploding fireballs and heavy flames.
It can also flap its wings wildly and create repelling wind currents

A six-tentacled membrane surrounded by a shield of tortured souls. Exposed tentacles
can emit lasers and flames. When its core is exposed, it utilizes a variety of spin attacks

An enormous centaur-like demon that attacks with its giant sword, metal hooves, embedded crossbows, and bladed tail; it uses them to protect its weak point: its head

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