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Fiendishly accurate archer that rides along on a ceiling track

Armor Lord
Heavily armored undead warrior that executes floor-ripping flame assaults, quick pokes, overhead stabs--it also defends itself with a shield

Axe Knight
Level-1 and 2 heavily armored knights that throw boomerang-like axes high and low

Executioner of Hell, a large spirit essence that commands an equally large sword

Balloon Pod
Floating or stationary jellyfish; when struck, they break apart into many small seeds

Vampire Bat
Small flying mammals that attack by lunging from a set position

Mutated poisonous insect that flickers in and out of visibility

Black Crow
Large black birds that nest on certain structures and attack on sight

Black Panther
Liquid form that takes the shape of a large tawny black-spotted cat before reliquifying

Eldest giant brother that runs quickly and wields two huge daggers

Blade Master
Advanced martial arts skeletons that master in twin-bladed combat

Blade Soldier
A skeleton soldier that's a novice of twin-bladed combat

Blood Skeleton
Invincible blood-soaked skeletons that can pull themselves back together when slain

Bloody Zombie
Eastern Church soldiers dispatched 300 years ago; these slow zombies attack with
combat knives

Blue Raven
Large blue birds that nest on castle structures and attack on sight

Blue Venus Weed
Advanced Venus Weed form, fed with demon blood, that attacks with thorns and leaflings

Bomb Knight
Heavily armored bomb-tossing knights that are quick and accurate

Bone Archer
Skeletons armed with bows that can fire while standing or ducking

Bone Ark
Portable skull shrine carried by skeleton priests; the dragon head spits explosive energy

Bone Halberd
Naginata-wielding skeletons that stab their weapon forward at long range

Bone Musket
Slain riflemen remain at rest and fire when you're near, stopping to reload

Pillar of Bones
Stacked dragon skulls (single ones with spiked iron balls) that breathe flames in
opposite directions

Bone Scimitar
Ferocious skeleton swordsmen that dance around and quickly slash their swords forward

Cave Troll
Pre-intelligent bloodsucker with a long tongue for sucking; they can hover in the air and fire down a beam

Cloaked Knight
Mysterious cloaked swordsmen that throw their swords to a position, following closely behind

Corner Guard
Armored foe that guards stairways by sliding up and down with its sword in hand

Plant with razor-sharp leaves that evolves from a typical thornweed

Reluctant demon that surprises with one- and three-way fireballs and scrolling ice blasts

Dark Octopus
Evil mutated octopi that travel in groups and emit a deadly oil substance

Headless swordsmen who carry their own skulls; they quickly stab forward their rapier
and can channel lightning to shoot bolts out from said weapon

Nauseating two-headed beast; the woman commands arcing flame attacks

Discus Lord
Discus-wielding armored knight that stays at a position and spins its weapon long distances

Dodo Bird
Rare flightless bird that runs when it sees people

Dragon Rider
A dislodged white dragon ridden by Flea Man that bounces around a room

Physical manifestations of bodiless tormented souls that can cause a temporary curse

Fire Demon
Flame demon that fires exploding bursts from its abdomen's opening

Spectral Sword
Evil demon-sword--causes poltergeist phenomena to the weapons around it

Fire Warg
Stationary fireball-spitting mountain wolf

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