Fan Fiction

Castlevania Legends


Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6


Chapter 1: Bloody Tears.
Dora wood, Warakiya. The 13th of November 1476 A.D.
The threes where glistening. I now could see better where I was. Uncle Julius had told me that uncle Reinhardt often had rode this way when he should to the chapel of the castle Dracul. I slightly shuddered and that was not because of the wind. It had began to snow again soon after I'd left my home, but now it was clear again. Then I knew why it felt so lonely here. This was where I and Adrian had used to wander as we talked and… That three over there, the giant moss-covered one, there he'd given me the first kiss. I shook my head. This was not the time. The sound of an arrow shot from a crossbow was the only warning I got. But from the hunting I knew what that meant. I quickly dropped to my knees and summoned ice to freeze my whip to give it more power. "Did you get her?" The slippery voice came from a lizard-man. "I hope I didn't kill her." Another lizard-man said. "I know." A third one said. "She looked like a good kill eh, Slogran?" I peeked out from the pile which I've hid behind and saw how four lizard-men, armed in leather and shell-armour and with crossbows and curved swords at their sides. "By God, Christ and the house of Belmont!" I shouted my war-cry as I dashed from my hide and cracked the whip at the first one. It must be he who'd fired at me. He hadn't got the chance to reload. And it didn't matter anyway. I come on them so fast that they didn't have time to fire. "When battling more than one enemy, comfusions and surprise should be your best ally." The words of uncle Julius rang through my mind as I jumped across the corpse of the first and summoned wind to be swift enough to counter the other lizard's blade. His blade became set on fire and he became to busy with that to counter my next blow. He fell burning to the ground as the last ones clearly saw they where going out of allies did turn around to run. I swung my whip at them. This was no duel, this was war. I couldn't let them run to warn the dark prince of my arrival. I made fire burn around my whip as I met the last. He knew I wouldn't let him go so there was only one thing to do, kill me or be killed by me. He swung his blade at me and as his blade became put on fire he dropped on all fours to breath a wave of fire at me. Had it not bean for uncle Julius's training he would most likely killed me. However I managed to summon enough ice around my whip to counter his flames. He got to his feet and drew a dagger I hadn't seen and ran toward me to finish me of. There was something familiar about that attack. I remembered Adrian's training and jumped backward as he did an upward trust from his lower position. If it'd hit it would've pierced my belly if my armour hadn't hindered him. It dashed forward, like I shoud've bowed, and struck the Vampire Killer right forward. The lizard-man gasped as my whip hit him and made him burst into fire. Gasping with breath I sunk to my knees. It had most likely lasted lesser than then minutes, but it neither the way felt like I'd bean battling the entire night. I shook my head and got to my feet. More soldiers was most likely lurking around the castle and I would most likely be there at sunfall. If I ever got there that was.

Dora wood, Warakiya. The 13th of November 1476 A.D.
I slowly stalked the land before me. I don't know what did botter me. It felt like some chill was going through me. It was cold, but not this cold. I tried to do what uncle Julius had told me, to se beyond the obvious. Just then, apparitions shrouded and hooded in dark robes and, what did really puzzle me, lanterns. Where they blind or something? But no, there was no wands or dogs among them. I remained in hiding until those strange men had passed. Strangely, as they vanished, the chill subsided. I could feel as it something evil where removed from this area. Then I noticed what they'd done and I just felt sick. This was likely the old graveyard of Ondol and those men, if they'd really bean men, had used shovels to clean an area around a grave and taken the coffin who'd rested underneath the headstone. "May God forgive me for not stopping them." I said as I knelt down and did the sign of the cross. "I promise I will not rest until I find them and retrive the dead to where he, or she, rested." I got to my feet and started following the foot-prints leading down the patch these ghouls had taken. It went in another direction than the castle, but I didn't worry. I would finish this task first and so confinue straight for the castle.

Dora wood, Warakiya. The 13th of November 1476 A.D.
I couldn't help but gasp as I came into a new clearing. A dozen or more coffins lay spread all round the clearing. At the center, as some sort of hideous jest, a strange-lit candle was placed on a holder in a tree. I snarled. If this wasn't Satanism then I didn't know what was. I went over and cracked my whip right at it, making it fall right down and shatter into pieces. Then it came again, that strange chilling feeling. I looked around myself and saw how the lids of the coffins started to become removed. "God in Heaven." I whispered as I felt fear well up in me. Then I grasped my whip. My forefathers had faced far worse things than living dead, I would not dishonour them. As the dead, all dressed in the same black hood and cloak as the "men" I'd seen take the coffin. I saw how in their eyes, or where some of them should've had eyes, that it burned a terrible hunger. A hunger for human flesh. The curse of Dracula had risen these poor souls from their graves to unleash them on the countryside and I had to stop it. Not only for the living, but before the sake of these spirits who where now trapped inside thse rotting shells who once where their human bodies. I cracked the whip at the first wave coming at me. Some burst into fire while other just exploded into pieces. I felt sicker then when I thought I'd seen grave-robbers and almost threw up. But I didn't have time. More and more living dead was coming at me. I gathered the power of light to my whip and they seamed as if they shortly wanted to run, but then they gathered themselves and continued to march at me. I don't know how long it lasted, perhaps minutes, perhaps hours, but then it all stopped. I stood gasping for breath surrounded by the burning remains of these creatures flesh and with my former so clean and shining armour now tainted with blood and goo. Then I hear someone move and I whirled around to face it. At the forest-line the "men" who'd brought the coffins here stood looking at me. They where even now carrying on a coffin. "Do you feel it?" One of them whispered in a tone like venom. "She has the power." One of the others said in a voice who sounded like a snake's hiss. Whoever or whatever these creatures where, men they where suretanly not. As one of them lifted his head, I saw the rotting face of yet another living dead. But this was different, I saw a merciless intelligent within his glazed eyes. A knowledge about what it was doing and a dark satisfaction about it. "You really are ghouls." I said in a somewhat staggering voice. Ashamed by my fear I tightened my grip on the Vampire Killer whip. "I'm going to end your reign of evil now and for all." I said as proud I could. The ghouls put down their coffin and suddenly knifes and daggers appeared in their claw-like hands. "Kill her!" The once who'd said I had magic commanded. I again gathered the power of light to shine around the whip as I rushed to face them. They wheren't worriers or trained soldiers. But judging by the black liquid on their weapons their blades where poisoned. Had it not bean for my armour they would most likely killed me. Either by stabbing me through the chest or by poisoning me. My bear arms and legs where good enough targets for that. But strangely enough all they did was try to stab me in my throat or my hearth. And my whip did more then oungh to keep them at bay. Soon it was only one of them left. But to my surprise, his dagger wasn't poisoned. It was like I knew it. Like I'd seen it before. He stabbed at my arms and tried to bite me. He was no vampire but the corpse-venom would most likely force me to cut of the arm he bite. I did a quick back-flip and then cracked the whip at him. He tried to counter me with his dagger and then the dagger just caught the light I'd summoned and made him burst into fire. Completely mystified I knelt to pick up the blade. I gaced as I saw how it split into many daggers and became an entire set of throwing-daggers. As I polished the dust and dirt away I saw the silver-decoration in the blades and the crosses upon their hilts. This must bean one of Leon's mystic weapons who'd became lost over the course of my family's quests to vanquish dark powers. Slowly I started placing the daggers within my clothing where I could best grab them and threw them on enemies. Just as I congratulated myself for this refinding of a lost family hairloom, the lid of the coffin the ghouls had carried cracked open. From it, a foul human-looking winged apparition flew with a screech which made my bllod go cold with fear. What had I done? By not opening the casket at once and stabbing the thing inside with a stake and cut of its head I had released a winged terror upon my land. I did grasp for my cross. A simple golden pendant my father once had given me when I was very little. By mere touching the holy symbol I found new strength. Determied I got to my feet. All evil in this land was marshalling at the castle. If I wanted to save Warakiya from that creature bat, and from prince Dracula too, I would have to go there. Determied I did the sign of the cross and then started upon the journey to the castle. There would be no more sidetracks from now on. I would go to the castle and that's that.

Castle Dracula, Warakiya. The 13th of November 1476 A.D.
I did wander down the hallway as Medusa came crawling toward me. "My prince," She hissed in her cracking little voice which always made me interested in her, bowed her head. "there is a new-arrival in your castle." I noticed a winged demon behind her and nodded my aprehention. "Bring him before me at once." She crawled aside and the winged creature stepped forward. "Greetings my prince." The human bat said. "I was freed from my eternal sleep in your lordship's graveyard." I waved my hand. "Many a creature bat has come to offer me my service. As the Lord of the Vampires I will recrute all dark spirits of nature to aid in my cause." "I know your lordship, but I have more power than any other of my race." I felt how my impatience with this individual grew. "If so, bring me the young Belmont who think she might apose my power. She shall give me tribute in her blood." "Yes my prince." The creature bat agreed. "I shall bring her to you and she shall be ready to kiss your lordship's foot." It stepped backward before it turned and went down the corridor again. "He is a fool my prince." Death said. "I quithe agree my lordship." Medusa said. "I have fought against this clan of vampire hunters before and they are not to be taken lightly." A smile crept across my face. "But of course he is. The only reason I did not kill him myself is that she will do it. I would like to give that pleasure to our undead friend in the library, if she is to ever come thus far." "As you say my prince." Medusa said. Death merely nodded his head. "Carry on." I snarled at them. I was no fool. They thought I handled this wrong. I should show them. All who opposed the power of the prince of darkness must die. I should send her spirit screaming to Hell. We wnt on down the corridor.

Dora wood, Warakiya. The 13th of November 1476 A.D.
I whirled around as soon I heard the moving of earth. From one of the half-fallen headstones shrouded living deaths rouse from the snow-covered ground and started to march at me. How could this be? The sun had still not set. There would be a full-moon tonight and that would give the dark spirits more power than then a usual moon would grant them. I didn't have time to further about that as the dead started to dashing at me with that dreadful hunger in their empty glazed eyes. I summoned the power of ice and and threw daggers at them. Then they came in to close for long-range attack and I slashed the whip at them. They froze and burst into pieces. Then, from their core, or so it looked like, strange fireballs shot forward and had it not bean for that I'd summon frost they would've killed me. But even so, I gasped as the strange globes shattered into frozen shards. Some of them tore wounds in my arms and legs, but they where nothing to worry about. I closed the wounds with with a tiny drop of ice before I again prepared for combat as I retrived the throwing daggers. The sun would soon set, I continued toward the castle. Then an arrow hit me in my armoured shoulder and made me trip over. "Good shot boy." Three lizard-men came out from the forest and turned me over. "The bat would give us a nice price for this one." Without even flinching, I threw a dagger right upward and summoned light to shine around it. The lizard-man, an old one if I understood the deep brown colour of his shells, exploded into fire. The other one, a young one judging by his clear green skin, jumped backward. The third one drew his sword. "Run boy." He said as he took a better grasp on his blade. "Yes." I said. "Run." He was young and untouched of any sins, he deserved to get away. The other older one did dash at me. I swung the Vampire Killer and he did a back-flip and then jumped at me again. I slashed the whip and he droped under the leather. I threw a dagger and made wind empower it so he didn't had time to counter. He burst into fire and this time I managed to do a side-dash before the blood washed all over me. Then again, considering the blood already staining me, it didn't mattered that much. I dropped to the ground as yet another of those strange fireballs shot from the core of the lizard-man shot at me. How or why some of the enemies did have this things inside them I didn't understand, but no mather, they was no less a threat to my life. I summon ice around the Vampire Killer and and as the weapon hit the ball, it shattered into frozen shards. A shining glow of golden light for a short second blinded me. When I could see again, the sun had set and the night was over me. "God, be with me." I said as I did the sign of the cross. Then I again stepped forward.

Gravesite, Warakiya. The 13th of November 1476 A.D.
The last line of trees stood like a wall behind me. Before me lay the gravesite of Ondol, where the villagers of the village of Ondol buried their dead ones. On the mountain range overlooking the gravesite, the Castle Dracula lay. I could almost imagine it was gazing at me. Then again, perhaps it did. The Devil had bean in the castle when prince Dracula made his pact with that dark lord some years before I was borne. I felt fear just thinking about the Devil. I knew Christ was more powerful than the dark enemy of the world. But with the castle looming before me, it was difficult to remember. I focused my mind and did as uncle Julius had learned me. I tried to see beyond the obvious. What I saw nearly made me scream. Around the castle a darkness so black it seemed to hav its own diabolical glow, shone. Screaming spirits and enflamed apparitions where drawn to it like bees to flowers. And this was where I had to go? Slowly I lifted the cross I carried around my neck. "God," I said as I slightly bowed my head. "I wish this task never became mine. That the Vampire Killer never come to me." In my mind is was like I could hear Adrian's voice. "What God place upon us is nothing He know we cannot bear. If you said about His servants is true, then He is always with the ones He chose to serve Him." I couldn't tell how, but somehow it looked like the holy object crafted out of bought gold and silver shone clearer than it used to. I nodded, he was right. This was my task, my task alone. "God," I again called out. "I am Your servant. As your prophets and apostles I shall go to the realm of darkness without fear." I knelt and kissed the cross, then put it back into my armour. With newfound resolve, I went into the graveyard. It had started snowing again and the gravesite would've bean beautiful if it hadn't bean for what I knew the ghouls had done with those resting here. As I went forward, I could see their plunder of this former holy place. Smal statues of angels and images of the cross where broken or tossed down. Headstones where crushed and lay in rumble. I could see fresh prints of digging in the soil. Not even the snow could hide what they'd done. A fireball came rocketing at me and again I dropped myself to the ground. But this time it wasn't just one. I got to my feet and ran as the fireballs seemed to chase me. Then I noticed them. At first I thought the ghouls had returned, since these "men" also where shourded in black hoods and cloaks, but these creatures flouted some inches above ground. And it was their lanterns who did toss those flames from lanterns they carried in their gloved hands. "Will-o-wisp!" I couldn't help the cry from escaping my lips. I'd heard about the poor fellow who'd received a second chance by St. Peter and thrown it aside. It looked like Dracula had found a way to resurrect other siner's souls as these evil ghosts. I didn't have time to think further about the mistery as the evil mob continued to toss fireballs at me. I summoned the element of ice into my whip and destroyed the flames, before I started tossing daggers who I'd empowered with the element of fire. The screames as these creatures caught fire and burned away almost made me go deaf. I wanted to curl into a ball and just stay so until they where all gone. I defeated the desire and forced myself to stand upright as those who I hadn't hit started to go berserk. Fireballs and flames became hurled through the air and I had no other choice than to run. But now living dead shrouded in black rouse from their graves and blocked my patch. I summoned ice and threw daggers all around me. I did never stop to think that my powers of controlling the elements was growing. Fireballs blasted at me and I froze them in mid-air and cracked the Vampire Killer at others who too shattered into frozen pieces. Then it was over. I stood gasping for breath surrounded by burning or frozen remains of bodyparts and ectoplasm. "Thank You Lord." That was the least I could say. Then I remembered what I'd done. I'd frozen fireballs and ghosts with a simple guest or leach of my whip. How could that be? I had never bean that good in controlling the elements. Uncle Julius had said my powers would grew stronger when I used them. I had always thought he where wrong. I'd always thought I was as powerful a human sorceress could be. But now I realized that I didn't was as powerful as I thought. And if God have given me this sort of power, then how strong was Dracula? Then I bolded my fists around the Vampire Killer. God was with me and the blood of the vampire hunter ran in my vains. The Vampire Killer had chosen me and nobody else. I shouldn't let them down. I went through the graveyard but now it was like all the evil spirits had fallen asleep. Nobody attacked me as I neared the gate leading out from this place. The only warning I got was the flapping of wings and the screech who sent chills down my spine. "You." I said as I saw the creature bat seemingly fly from within the moon. "I shoud've known." I merely had time to throw myself backward as it landed right where I'd bean. I could feel the power of wind be channelled as it quicker than I'd ever seen anybody move it trusted forward and clawed at my armour. I felt my eyes grew large as I noticed its claws didn't break. But now the creature bat grasped me and threw me back into the snow. My back hit one of the headstones but I didn't have time to feel hurt. I jumped to my feet and tossed three successive daggers at the enemy and gazed as my attack did rebound of his armour-protected tunic. I just had enough time to retrive the daggers as I again felt the power of wind became channelled. This time I knew what was coming and did myself channel air to do a back-flip. Then I recoiled the Vampire Killer and slashed at him as hard I could. I screamed so I nearly wanted to held my hands before my ears. But then the creature bat took to the air and I had to ran as bats came swarming from the castle. If it was he who summoned them or not I don't know. But I didn't care as I made them freeze as soon I could, threw daggers at others and slashed the whip at the remaining ones. Then the creature bat came at me. It collided with me with such great force I was thrown far back and struck into one of the trees standing at some graves. Groaning I got to my feet and saw the creature bat stand before me with a wicked grin on its face. "His lordship prince Dracula told me to bring you to him. But I would mostly like to kill you myself." Then his smirk became a snarl as I cracked the Vampire Killer right at his legs and made him trip over. The solid leather-boots may gave him good balance to walk the snow, but the holy power of my whip made them go on fire. He turned it out with the snow but then I'd already moved to another position and was ready to face his next attack. The only warning was the feeling of the channelling of winds and he did collide with the tree so it did fall right over. It was an old dying tree, but even so it was a powerful thud. Luckily for me, I'd too gathered all the wind I could master and threw it right at the tree who became caught and went right the other way. For a moment the creature bat just stood there, watching me, then the snarl became even deeper. It dashed at me with its claws at the ready and I lifted the dagger just in time as it hammered into me. But some dark thought made it throw a gust of wind at me right before it should've dugged itself on my dagger and tossed me back into the snow. He dashed right over my head and I got to my feet quick enough to stab him in the back with the dagger. I didn't felt good attacking someone from the behind, but I had no other choise. And beside, the creature bat didn't die. I must've missed the hearth or something, it turned and flapped it wings at me and tossed me hard against one of the graves. I felt how some of my ribs cracked and I wanted to scream in pain. But I didn't have time to scream, didn't have time to crinkle in pain either. I got to my feet and gathered light to burn around my whip and daggers as I tossed them and cracked it at the creature bat. It screeched like a harpy and fell like a falling tree while flapping wings. The wind raged at me and as I tried to counter, something clicked and a tornado, more than one, flew from the Vampire Killer as I cracked it and a flash of light made me go blind. Then the light and pain subsided and when I could see again, the creature bat lay burning before me and a strange crystalline orb lay within my palm. As I watched on, it melted into red energy and vanished into my body. I felt how new energy welled up inside me and I knew I now could gather the tornadoes at any time I needed them. I brought out the cross and gratefully kissed it before I put it back and got to my feet. There would still be some hours walk to the castle. What would await me there I didn't want to think about. But I had to. "God lead my steps." I said as I continued on walking.

Castle Dracula, Warakiya. The 13th of November 1476 A.D.
I felt its death. I could see Death did it as well. "It happened as I predicted." I said as I continued the walk toward my throne. "Indeed my lordship." Death answered, but as if he considered something else. "When you granted him your leadership, he became infused with your lordship's power. When she destroyed his body she got access to that power. All you delegate your command to becomes infuced with that power." I nodded. I could feel how that ounce of power became ripped from me. But it did not weaken me. It was like if the power returned to me. "The dark side of your power returns to you, my prince, while the balanced part stay with the one who harvested it." I nodded. I was still new with my position of power. I still needed to learn about the mastery of the black magic and supernatural abilities the Master had granted him. "Train me Death." The fallen angel bowed. "As you command my prince." The scythe appeared into his hands as I rouse from the throne.

Dora wood, Warakiya. The 13th of November 1476 A.D.
The clinking sound of metal was the first I heard before the group of possessed armours and lizard-men came out from the snow who had already begin to fall again. It was like the weather was tainted by the dark power of the castle. The snow came and went as if it had its own will. Vampires could control weather but not like this. Thoughts like this could easily cost me my life in battle. The spear-wielding guards and lizard-men stopped dead in their track and and the same young lizard I'd let get away pointed at me. "There, it's she who killed them." "Drop your weapon human." One of the spear-guards said in a hollow inhuman voice. "If you insist." I mumbled as I brought out my daggers and tossed them at them as I summoned the power of wind and ice. I couldn't help but smile as the spear-guards froze and the lizards became thrown backward. "Fire at will captain." The leading spear-guard commanded and a set of arrows became shot at me. I swung the Vampire Killer as quickly I could and made others freeze so they shattered into tiny pieces. I made gusts of winds blew all around me as I made fire burn around the Vampire Killer. Then I came face-to-face with the young lizard-man. He swung his sword at me and I didn't managed to block the attack and I felt the blade clang toward my mail. This didn't felt good at all. But he stood in my way and I just had to continue onward. I made a gust of wind blew at him and he became blewn right into the lance of one of the spear-guards. I felt sick as I saw he became speared and blood spill all over and colour the snow crimson. As always I didn't had time to mourn what I'd done as the remaining lizards and spear-guards attacked me. And there was those strange green fireballs who came flying through the forest to worry about too. I freezed as many I could and tried to dodge the remaining ones. Then one of the spear-guards flailed his weapon in an arch right before him and I felt how a powerful gust of wind sent me flying. I did however manage to gather my momentum and did toss myself from the tree he tossed me against and I sent flame empowered daggers sprawling as so many soldiers I could reach. When I landed, they where all gone. Except some green fireballs I froze into oblivion. As I did so, the draw-bridge of the castle fell down and the path lay open for me. This would be it, I know what had to be done. Now I would enter into the castle where so many of the Boyar families had died to build its walls. Again I kissed the cross before I entered the bridge. When I'd finnaly reached the other side, the fences rouse and I did walk in underneath the massive towers who stood to each side of me. As I entered into the courtyard, I felt a thundering thud. The gates was closing as the drawbridge was again rising. Recoiling the whip I stepped forward toward where I could see steps lead up to the main entrance. The cliff on which the castle stood made it a fortress but even so the door leading inward was made of solid wood and even enforced with solid metal lids and bars. As I stepped toward it, it slowly cracked open. "Good evening young worrier." A man, or something who looked like a man, in simple black cloak and with a short-cut white heair and pointed beard. "Gilles De Reis." I said as I stepped forward. "Are you still here. I thought prince Vladimir killed you when he did kill my uncle." "But young Belmont." The aged servant said. "I am dead." He smiled and I saw how fangs became exposed. "You are a vampire." I said as I recoiled the Vampire Killer. As I leached out at him, he transformed into mist and was gone. The door however stood open. Doing the sign of the cross, I stepped inside.

(A.N: This chapter is of course based on stage 1 from the same game I'm writing. Gilles De Reis is a mysterious vampire from CV64 who I thought where interesting, that is why he appear here. Have a nice time.)

Chapter 2: The Story Continues | Back to Prologue