
The Were-Bull is the strongest and toughest were-beast in Castlevania 64 and overall second-toughest of the N64 games' selection. Deep into the Duel Tower, when you enter into its caged domain, it'll pop out from a center lift, ready for bear. The catch is that the cage sides aren't strong enough to hold up the chamber's ceiling, so it will be lowering gradually as you battle the beast; if you can't destroy the bull fast enough, the walls will give way, and both yourself and the bull will be crushed to death. To make sure that death falls upon you either way, the bull will come at you with typical were-beast offense: Most prominently, it'll execute a uninterrupted gliding dash that sees it flail its claws wildly. Other times, it'll harness its raging tendencies, becoming enflamed before lunging toward you with speed and power; if you make contact at this point, you'll be knocked clear across the chamber. The Legacy battle is slightly different in that you face the bull within a ring of fire. If the bull misses its raging lunge this time around, it'll get caught in the fire's net and become immobilized until it can gather itself.

Games In: Castlevania 64 & Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness

Similar Enemies: Warewolf & Were-Tiger
Forms List: Not available
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