The Game Boy



As mentioned in the original Mega Man series page, no one really knows where the Game Boy games fit in. Since the Game Boy games were bereft of any original bosses—rather, they used the bosses from the first 5 NES titles—people assumed that these games fit in between each of the 6 existing NES titles; the first game's instruction manual would have you believe that they were, mentioning that "[name of robots] were back...," making it seem that Mega Man had run into these foes before.

What eventually proved that they weren't part of the same series was Mega Man 5 for Game Boy; chronologically, it would have had to have fallen in between Mega Man 6 and 7 in the original series, which would be impossible, since Wily was imprisoned in part 6 and didn't escape until part 7. It sounds really confusing, and, well, it is.

With that out of the way, the Game Boy games totaled 5 in all. And, with the exception of Mega Man 5, they all used bosses from the original series. The weapons, items and robot friends all remained the same, not deviating from the tried-and-true Mega Man gameplay. The only thing that was different: The story-line, which is detailed below.



The year was 200X. The Earth was a relatively peaceful place, save for a few deviants, something no society is without. Technology had advanced to the point where robotics were the norm, and where many a brilliant scientist practiced the art of developing humanoid-like machines. Their dream was to create a society where robots and humans worked side-by-side, thus creating a utopia. The experiment didn't go as planned, as one doctor in particular chose to use robots for destructive purposes instead. It is this person, Dr. Wily, that Mega Man had been battling for years. Their battles continued here.


Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge

Wily would strike back quickly and he'd strike hard. After his last defeat, Wily quickly restored 4 of his Robot Masters—Ice Man, Elec Man, Cut Man and Fire Man; soon after, he had his minions create for him a new Skull Castle and a space-inhabiting hideout, reminiscent of Skull Castle (as sort of a sub-hideout he'd use every now and then). Wily also had other tricks up his sleeve should his newly restored robots fail him.

Mega Man could only shake his head as he received the distress call from Dr. Light. Quickly, Mega Man went on the attack, destroying the 4 Robot Masters like he did in the past. But now the real challenge lied ahead—Wily's Skull Castle.

Mega Man penetrated the castle and fought his way past of a myriad of robotic villains, finding himself in a little room with 4 capsules. The 4 capsules contained 4 more of Dr. Wily's past creations—Quick Man, Heat Man, Bubble Man and Flash Man. Having defeated them, as well, a 5th capsule appeared. Inside, Mega Man met the newest of Wily's creations—Enker, a sword-wielding robot capable of absorbing damage and using it as energy to power up his sword-slash attack. Mega Man triumphed, earning a weapon that would help him later.

Fearing that Mega Man was getting close, Wily retreated to his Space Node. Mega Man teleported in safely, fighting his way to Wily's chamber. Wily surely believed he would be victorious this time, as he had created a ship invulnerable to Mega Man's arm cannon attacks and the weapons of his own robots. Wily didn't count on Mega Man attaining Enker's energy-absorbing powers, though. Mega Man used Enker's weapon to deflect Wily's projectile attacks back at him, damaging Wily's ship to the point where it was now vulnerable to other attacks. Wily had failed again, and he once again begged for mercy.

Mega Man yet again spared the doctor. As he walked through the remains of ship, looking into deep space, he still wondered how far things would go—how he was destined to never cease his fight.


Mega Man 2

Somehow, Dr. Wily had survived. Not surprisingly, he was already hatching his next plot. Wily broke into the Chronos Institute with the intention of stealing the new experimental Time Skimmer. Dr. Light, among others, was unable to locate Wily with his tracking radar, but further calculation led Light to believe that Wily had jumped approximately 37.426 years into the future. With no idea what Wily might try, Light contacted Mega Man, alerting him to this latest plot; furthermore, he informed Mega Man that Rush had scoped out a subterranean passage guarded by some of Dr. Wily's past creations—Air Man, Hard Man, Needle Man, Top Man, Wood Man, Metal Man, Magnet Man and Crash Man—4 of which retreated into Wily's reconstructed Space Node.

Once again, Mega Man was off to battle the forces of evil. He defeated the first 4 robots, gaining the necessary time codes to locate and access Wily's rebuilt Skull Castle. Upon entering, he was forced to journey into 4 capsules, each of which held the rest of the troublesome robots. With them out of the way, Mega Man faced another new robot—Quint, a springboarding maniac traveling on a drill-like pogo stick, looking to crush the blue hero. True to form, Mega Man overcame this new foe, leaving Wily as the only threat.

Wily again retreated to his Space Node, it once again rebuilt. Mega Man followed closely behind, riding his Rush Marine through the jaws of the Node's opening. Wily threw everything he had at Mega Man—every minor robot contraption he had—but Mega Man conquered all.

Another huge battle was at hand, as Wily had created yet another new ship of destruction. After a long battle, Mega Man was victorious again. Sure, Wily begged for mercy, but Mega Man didn't even stick around long enough to see Wily's sickening display, forcing Wily back to the present time-period. He was sure that Wily wouldn't try anything like this again.


Mega Man 3

As Mega Man overlooked the city from atop the skyscrapers, he received a disturbing signal from Dr. Light—Dr. Wily was back, and this time he had taken control of an oil platform and was drilling through the Earth's crust. He would use the magma to fuel his newest creation.

Not surprisingly, Wily also reconstructed 8 of his past robots, ordering them to seek out and destroy Mega Man. With Rush and Flip Top once again at his side, Mega Man would confront his old foe one more time.

The first batch of robots—Snake Man, Gemini Man, Shadow Man and Spark Man—were nothing more than a formality, as Mega Man quickly defeated all 4. The way to Dr. Wily's newly constructed Skull Castle was open, beckoning Mega Man to venture forward. Inside, after a short battle with a giant Octopus Battery, 4 more robot bosses stood in his way—Dust Man, Skull Man, Dive Man and Drill Man.

Having defeated them, too, Mega Man and Dr. Wily came face to face. As expected, Wily ran, Mega Man following closely behind. But a disturbance stopped Mega Man in his tracks; a new foe drilled his way through the floor, looking for a fight. This new foe, Punk, invited Mega Man to his chamber below. With the choice of either following Wily or Punk, Mega Man decided Punk was a greater danger.

Mega Man defeated the ruthless foe, but Punk did his job—he stalled Mega Man long enough to allow Wily to escape. Wily did escape, and he fled to his alternate Skull Castle, one which he rose from the sea using the power of the oil platform.

Infiltrating the water base, Mega Man was forced to endure another barrage of minor robotic enemies. In typical Mega Man form, he plowed his way through all of them, confronting the evil doctor in his chamber. Wily's new ship was ready; using the oil platform, he would surely crush Mega Man.

The two rivals battled, Wily reaching into his usual bag of tricks. Despite the ship's incarnations, Mega Man wouldn't be denied, as he dealt Wily another loss. Wily fell out of his ship and begged liked he did numerous times before. But, as always, he had a backup plan, and an escape capsule rose up from below, pulling the doctor beneath the ground.

Mega Man watched from outside the castle as Wily made his escape, his damaged ship staggering all the way. The fight would continue, and Mega Man knew that it would only be a matter of time.


Mega Man 4

It was a rather peaceful day, a day when neither man nor robot had much to worry about. The peaceful mood was shattered, however, when the roar of a flying saucer could be heard above the city. Gliding to a halt, the saucer opened its hatch, a tiny radio beacon sending a sinister signal.

Hundreds of deactivated robots at the World Robot Exposition came to life and began destroying everything as they rampaged towards the center of the city. Watching from above on his monitor, Wily snickered at the destruction the robots were causing. The robots assembled, awaiting his next order.

Wily slammed his fist onto the control panel as he realized that one robot was free of his mind-control device—Mega Man was free! Realizing that Dr. Light had altered Mega Man's control frequencies, Wily formed a new plan; with a push of a button, he'd send a new frequency. Acknowledging the signal, the robots began to disappear into eight sections of the city. Wily's plot didn't go as planned, but he had something else in store.

Mega Man knew what he had to do. Past foes, 8 in all, stood in his way. They were the following: Toad man, Bright Man, Pharaoh Man, Ring Man, Crystal Man, Napalm Man, Charge Man and Stone Man. Mega Man, as always, would have some help from some of his robotic friends, including Rush, Beat and Proto Man. Dr. Light would also assist him by creating items for Mega Man using P-Chips, items Mega Man could retrieve by defeating foes.

Defeating the first 4, Mega Man was given access into Wily's once-again reconstructed Skull Castle. Battling its outer defense system, Mega Man was able to make it inside. Not far in, he ran into Ballade, another vile Dr. Wily creation. Ballade, using his ballade cracker, gave Mega Man all he could handle, but Mega Man was able to make him retreat.

Mega Man then faced and defeated the other 4 robot bosses. There was no sign of Wily, but Ballade was back and more advanced than before. Another battle between the 2 was at hand; Ballade learned the true meaning of power, as he, too, fell to the blue bomber.

Wily's plans were foiled again, but he surely had backup. He retreated to his once-again rebuilt Space Node, Mega Man following closely behind in his Rush jet. Inside, Mega Man fought his way to a room containing 8 capsules, them holding the 8 robot bosses Mega Man had previously defeated; they were defeated yet again, but they bought Wily some more time to finish his newest invention—the giant Wily Bot!

This new monstrosity was the largest foe Mega Man had ever seen. In Wily's likeness, it began to the throw punch after punch. Mega Man attacked its chest, doing enough damage to temporarily immobilize the robot as he moved towards its head. The robot began trying to suck Mega Man inward through its jaws. Despite its size, Mega Man blew away the head portion of Wily's huge beast.

Wily escaped the destruction in his ship and began trying to crush Mega Man, making the ground collapse below him. He wouldn't win, as Mega Man was just too strong. Wily, flustered, fell from his ship and began to once again beg. Would he finally be brought to justice? No. Wily was wearing a specially-designed backpack which extruded a grappling hook that pulled him to safety.

There was no time to give chase, as the Space Node began to crumble. Mega Man blasted walls left and right, trying to escape before it exploded. He came to a wall that he couldn't get passed; the way out was blocked, his Mega-buster ineffective. Ballade, hurt, appeared, much to Mega Man's surprise. "Ballade, you're hurt," he said. During their battles, Ballade realized that he was wrong, so, to make up for the trouble he caused, he sacrificed himself to blow open a hole in the Node's wall. "Ballade! No!" he yelled as the vacuum of space pulled him to safety, the Space Node exploding into a million pieces.

Watching the destruction from his Rush Jet, Mega Man was sorry that he couldn't save Ballade. But Ballade's actions gave him hope. With that in mind, he headed home.


Mega Man 5

On a rather peaceful day, Mega Man and Roll walked through a meadow, enjoying the sunshine. Roll's happiness turned to fear, as a robot named "Terra" came out of nowhere. "So you're Mega Man, " he said, looking to challenge the hero of the people. Mega Man ushered Roll back and began attacking this new foe. But it wasn't working; none of his weapons were effective. Defeated, Mega Man came to consciousness back in Dr. Light's lab. "Who was that?" Mega Man asked himself.

From the cosmic reaches of outer space came mankind's greatest threat—a robotic alien armada had targeted Earth and were looking to annihilate the human race. This new army, calling themselves the Stardroids, were impervious to all known weapons, as Mega Man had learned. The fate of the world would once again lie in his hands.

Encased in their fiendish fortress, the aliens were hiding a whole new battery of weird weapons, and they would surely try to use them on Mega Man.

Dr. Light, realizing that the Mega-buster was no match for these new foes, created the Mega-arm, a newer, more powerful extension for Mega Man. Since the Stardroids had stolen 2 of Rush's adapters, Dr. Light created Tango, a robotic attack cat. Together they'd hunt down the Stardroids.

Represented by 8 of their most powerful soldiers—Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto—the Stardroids created their own hideouts. Mega Man hunted down the first 4, learning where their boss was located.

As Mega Man entered the grounds, the place was empty—or so it seemed. Terra appeared, impressed that Mega Man had made it that far. Since he had no time to spare, he ordered his Rock Droid, the Black Moon, to take care of the blue bomber while he made his escape. Mega Man took care of the droid, but Terra had escaped.

However, the Rush adapters had been retrieved. Now with Rush, Tango, Flip Top and Proto Man supplying aid, he was ready for the next 4 Stardroids.

As expected, the rest of the Stardroids didn't last long against the power of Mega Man. But Terra still stood in his way. Angered by the destruction of his peers, Terra vowed to destroy Mega Man. This time, though, Mega Man prevailed, as the Mega-arm was able to do what the Mega-buster couldn't.

Mega Man looked towards the sky. "Oh no," he said. "It can't be!" Yes, Dr. Wily was watching on. He was behind the whole thing; he was using the attack of his Stardroids to mask his own evil plot. Cursing Mega Man, Wily took off in his ship. Calling upon his Rush jet, Mega Man once again gave chase.

Fighting through the breeches of space, Mega Man destroyed the outer defense of Wily's new Space Node. Now inside, Mega Man fought through a long hall; he ran into some old foes, as Wily had reconstructed Enker, Quint, Punk and Ballade. As he did in the past, he turned them all into scrap metal. Mega Man also faced and defeated clones of the Stardroids.

The games were over, though, as the battle came down to Mega Man and Dr. Wily, like it had so many times in the past. Through 2 incarnations, Mega Man destroyed Wily's ships. But that wasn't enough; Wily revealed the true plot: He was using the Stardroids to collect crystals to raise Sunstar, an ancient powerful robot.

Mega Man watched as Sunstar, radiant, was unveiled. Wily laughed with glee, ordering Sunstar to destroy Mega Man. Sunstar, destruction in its purest form, had other ideas, as he struck down Wily's ship, declaring that he takes orders from no one. Wily fled from the scene, Mega Man unable to give chase.

Sunstar and Mega Man battled, Sunstar perhaps the toughest foe Mega Man had ever encountered. The destruction was great, but Mega Man edged out Sunstar in one of his toughest battles. Mega Man, seeing that Sunstar was damaged, offered him help. "Why?" Sunstar asked. "Because we're both robots? Because we were made to fight?" "No," Mega Man said, explaining how he felt humans and robots could live together. But it fell on deaf ears, as Sunstar's fusion was shot, ready to blow at any moment. Sunstar ordered that Mega Man leave before he explodes. Acknowledging the plea, Mega Man hopped in his Rush jet and escaped.

Mega Man watched from afar as the Space Node was blown apart. He headed back to Earth, resting in a meadow, pondering the day's battle. All of a sudden, Wily's ship, damaged beyond belief, appeared. "Wily!" Mega Man yelled. "You survived?!" "Curse you, Mega Man, " Wily replied. "This war ends now!"

Comically, Wily's ship could barley muster a laser shot; Wily, realizing the situation, dove onto the ground and began to beg for mercy. Mega Man, shaking his head, could only laugh. Wily threw his arms into the air and began to run. Mega Man, still shaking his head, chased the evil doctor into the sunset....