Fan Fiction

"With the arrival of a Castlevania movie imminent, those of us in the Count's circle (me in high rank, of course) have been wondering what tale of Dracula's triumph will be told! Will we follow the adventures of Richter Belmont? Learn of the Belmont family's origins via the story of Leon? Witness the transfer of power to Soma Cruz? Sadly, it probably won't be the documenting of Dracula's Curse, which evolved the series' storyline in ways that today still resonate. Thems the breaks when you don't have certain 'flash.' To the rescue is Mike Nigrelli, who does it justice and shows us what might have been."

Castlevania: Dracula's Curse The Movie

Screenplay By Mike Nigrelli

Prologue | Chapter 1


Opening Credits Roll as "Prelude" plays. Title screen pops up. Then the "Chapter Screen" comes up. "Destiny" will serve as the theme for all of the chapter screens. "Message of Darkness" will serve as Dracula's theme whenever he is just talking. "Encounter" will serve as the theme for each scene in which Trevor meets a partner. Chapter screens will serve to separate sections of the movie. This one reads:

Prologue: The Uninvited Guest

Scene I: Warakiya Docks
Dark night. The camera is fixed on a cloud. On the bottom of the screen it reads "WARAKIYA: 1476 ONE WEEK AGO" Tilt down and a ship is seen pulling into the dock. A band of pirates is seen talking and laughing as they set anchor.

I gotta say that was one of the best runs we ever did!
And it's all thanks to this man 'ere. He crawled out the window with the loot before Ontego even knew what hit 'im.
Oy! To Grant Danasty! The greatest smuggler this side of the Mediterranean!
(All Cheer)
Say something Grant!
You forgot the greatest knife handler.
(All laugh)
Mates, you know I don't get all choked up and make flowery little speeches… (makes a sarcastic hand motion as if he's sprinkling flowers)
(All laugh)
Yeah, yeah. But let me just say, it does me heart good to be part of the greatest band of scoundrels to sail the seven seas.
(A humble awe befalls the crowd)
But ey, tonight's not a night to make speeches. TONIGHT IS A CELEBRATION!
(All thunderously cheer)
(poking fun) I thought ye wife didn't let ye celebrate without a leash around ye neck. (Laughs)
Grant: Me wife? I forgot! This'll be around the 50th time I've been late comin' home. She's gonna bite me head off and feed it to the dogs, she will. Ey! If ye lads decide on stoppin' by the 'ol church on ye way, say a prayer that I come back alive.
(Grant jumps ship onto the dock and dashes home)
If she was me wife, I'd probably run too. A pretty lady like her ain't so pretty after ye stand her up. C'mon let's all get our arses to the tavern!

Scene II: Danasty House

Grant approaches the back of his house and climbs in through the window, not realizing that the house he has his back to is nearly destroyed. He walks slowly as he talks to prolong the scolding that awaits him.
Melinda! It wasn't me fault. You should know.. the sea was angry tonight almost as it was cursed or somethin'. Then me an' the boys, wantin' to do some celebratin', decided to…
Grant stops in his tracks, for as he walks into the next room he sees the Prince of Darkness, Count Dracula crouching over his wife and 2 kids on the ground, dead and bloody. Only Dracula's backside can be seen from this angle. Dracula's hair turns from white to black. His skin goes from wrinkly to normal. Dracula takes his mouth off of Grant's wife which reveals two puncture wounds, stands up, turns around and with blood around his lips takes a satisfied sigh of relief that is almost sexual in nature.
MELINDA! (voice breaking) Oh.. God.
Grant takes this opportunity and rushes to kneel beside his dead family.
Truly rejuvenating. I feel 200 years younger.
And exactly how old are ye?
Such uncouth manners. We haven't even been properly introduced, and here you are asking my age. I am Count Dracula and soon this whole world will be engulfed in my darkness!
Count Dracula? I've heard stories about you. But they were nothing but age old tales! Ghost stories!
Ah but there's nothing quite like the real thing. Would you not agree?
What brings ye to Warakiya?
Grant gets up from his wife's side.
I sought to feel young again so I decided to crash the party. Why the face? You didn't miss anything…it was quite a dull party. Wait; there was this one amusing thing your wife said. (chuckle) She thought that you being here would have actually made a difference.
Grant's face shows that he is intensely angry.
Why don't I show you what ye missed!
Grant lunges forward with a knife that he pulled from his back pocket. Dracula superhumanly sidesteps to avoid the stabbing. Grant jumps to the ceiling to avoid a swipe.
Nasty temper. One more outburst like that and I, your only guest, will be forced to leave. Although I really mustn't judge. I too can have a hot temper.
Literally fire can be seen in Dracula's eyes. He opens his cape and shoots his signature Hell Fire attack. It misses numerous times. Grant throws knives but they are also to no avail. A flame finally hits Grant and he falls to the ground, wounded.
(In pain) Me band. Me band'll stop you!
Thoughtful of you, but my own little band of undead warriors already ambushed them at the tavern. They didn't put up the fight that you did.
Me family…why?
As I dine upon my victims' succulent blood, I have two options. One of them, you know all too well, however, if I want them to spend all of eternity in servitude to me, I take a single bite. I have no use for children or a housewife in my army of darkness. In fact, you have just given me an idea. I could use a warrior of your magnitude. How would you like to join me?
I'd never join the ranks of ye low level, soulless monsters!
Humorous how you presume you have a choice in the matter.
Dracula fully opens his cape, and a dark light shoots out of it as Grant is transformed into a soulless ogre but only his silhouette can be seen for the rest of the scene as we will not until later find out what became of Grant Danasty.
The Clock Tower of Untimely Death just east of here serves as a bridge to Castlevania. Please guard it in case anyone else should try to stop me.
(Monstrous roar)

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